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Do You Need a Furnace With a Heat Pump in Neptune, NJ?

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With our humid summers and cold winters here in Neptune, New Jersey, having a heating and cooling system that can keep you comfortable all year long is crucial. Many people opt for traditional HVAC systems with air conditioners and furnaces, but the heat pump option can provide you with great savings and energy efficiency. Since New Jersey can get so cold during the winter, do you need a furnace with a heat pump?

Our team at Casper Friendly Services offers certified heat pump repair in Neptune, NJ. If you want the heat pump benefits but aren’t sure if it’s right for you, keep reading to learn about the dual heating system that can solve all your problems.

What Is a Heat Pump?

Heat pumps are furnace alternatives that warm and cool spaces by moving warm air in or out of the home. In the summer, the heat pump removes hot air from inside the house and deposits it outdoors. In the winter, the pump takes heat from the outdoors and brings it inside.

Heat Pump Benefits

Heat pump efficiency runs miles around furnaces. These electric systems don’t create air, so they use less energy and are far better for the environment. You’ll also get financial benefits, like saving money on monthly energy bills and potential rebates for choosing an environmentally friendly heating and cooling system for your home.

Heat pumps don’t require as much maintenance as traditional HVAC systems since they have fewer parts that can break down and cause problems. Since it’s a two-in-one system, it will also take up less space in your home.

Heat Pump Disadvantages

Do you need a furnace with a heat pump? How is it even possible to use a heat pump in cold weather?

If your home is colder than the temperature outside, the heat pump can warm your house up by taking what heat there is outdoors and transferring it inside. The downside of this, however, is that it’s possible for the temperature to be too cold to use a heat pump effectively.

Heat pumps typically aren’t ideal for areas that reach 35 degrees Fahrenheit or colder throughout the winter. Some people opt for a furnace and heat pump combo if freezing temperatures are possible more frequently.

Perhaps the biggest complaint is the upfront installation cost. Heat pumps save you money over time, but they require a pretty significant initial investment.

All About Furnaces

Combustion furnaces or forced air furnaces are highly popular for homes throughout Neptune, New Jersey. The furnace is the heating component of HVAC systems that use heating components to create heat. You can choose between electric and gas models, although gas furnaces are more common because they’re more affordable.

Furnace Benefits

Furnaces are a popular choice for several reasons, with the main one being their ability to heat homes well. Whether you have gas, electric, or an oil model, your furnace can create heat when you tell it to, barring any malfunctions, of course. They are also inexpensive compared to heat pumps, though the electric models typically cost more to install.

Furnaces are easy to use, and virtually any HVAC company can work on them.

Furnace Drawbacks

Furnaces are more prone to breaking down than heat pumps, so they need routine maintenance because of how hard they work to generate heat for your home. Gas and oil models are far less environmentally friendly than the electric ones, and all options will raise your energy bills, though there are energy-efficient models that can help cut costs.

Furnaces heat your home with periodic bursts of hot air. This means that your home may fluctuate in temperature throughout the day instead of being consistently warm.

Furnaces With Heat Pumps in Neptune, New Jersey

Neptune, New Jersey, regularly dips below freezing throughout the winter, so you may think heat pumps are out of the question. Fortunately, that’s not the case. You can use backup heating options like a furnace with a heat pump for the extra cold days when the heat pump won’t cut it.

Do you need a furnace with a heat pump? Your answer to this question will depend on many factors, like price and comfort level preferences.

Can You Get a Furnace With a Heat Pump?

Heat pumps work well with furnaces. They can tie into your existing HVAC system, so you can add a heat pump to your current furnace or add a new furnace to your existing heat pump. Talk to a licensed HVAC technician and have them inspect your home to determine the best way to make the dual system work well in your home.

How the Combination System Works

The heat pump functions as the main system and keeps your home at the appropriate temperature by removing heat from your house or outside as needed. When temperatures drop below 35 degrees Fahrenheit, the furnace will turn on and warm your home since the heat pump doesn’t work well in colder temperatures.

You can link your heat pump and furnace hybrid system to a smart thermostat so that you can choose which system you would like to use. You can program the furnace to turn on at certain temperatures, or you can choose to turn it on when the heat pump doesn’t make your home warm enough. The system is highly customizable to allow you to always be comfortable and make energy-efficient decisions as you please.

Hybrid Heating Benefits

The dual system offers many benefits to consider. With a furnace and heat pump combination, you’ll get:

  • Consistent comfort: When the temperatures drop too low, you can warm your home with a forced air furnace to make up for the difference so you never have to wait and shiver.
  • Ultimate efficiency: With a dual system, you have the power to heat your home as you need for maximum efficiency.
  • Energy cost savings: You’ll save a lot of money each month on energy bills since you won’t rely on your furnace as much, and you’ll save money over time since heat pumps don’t need repairing as often.
  • Operates on the same ducts: Your heat pump can tie into your existing ductwork, allowing you to save money on installation and avoid complicated setups to make the system operate.
  • Options to fit your needs: You have many hybrid system options to choose from, like a system that uses ductwork, ductless systems, two separate units, or an all-in-one unit. Talk to your HVAC technician about the various options available to you so that you can find something that suits your budget and indoor comfort needs.

The Downsides of a Heat Pump With a Furnace

The heat pump and furnace combination has a few downsides that you should know about before you make the switch or upgrade your home.

The biggest downside is the cost. Most heat pumps are around $10,000, give or take a few thousand. If you need other HVAC work done, like an installation or repairs for a furnace or ductwork, you can expect the price to be even higher.

There’s also the possibility of needing to keep your air conditioner if you decide the heat pump doesn’t work well enough to your liking. Having three units to heat and cool your home may feel like too much to keep up with, especially since all three units need annual maintenance to last up to 20 years.

Do You Need a Furnace With a Heat Pump?

Now that you know how the hybrid system works, you need to decide if you need a furnace with a heat pump. You may decide that your home in Neptune, New Jersey, could benefit from the combination system if:

  • You want to save money on monthly energy expenses.
  • You don’t need an air conditioner to stay cool in the summer.
  • You want to enjoy the benefits of a heat pump but need extra “oomph” in the winter.
  • You prefer environmentally friendly heating methods.
  • You don’t mind the hefty upfront cost of installation.

Let Casper Friendly Services Install a Furnace With a Heat Pump in Neptune, New Jersey

Our HVAC experts at Casper Friendly Services can help you determine whether your home could benefit from a furnace and heat pump combination. As with any heating and cooling system on the market, there are pluses and minuses you have to consider.

Call us today or contact us on our website when you need an HVAC services contractor who can help you understand heat pumps. We can schedule you for a visit for a free estimate to get an idea of what a furnace with a heat pump would cost you. We’ll use the size of your home, heating and cooling usage, and your budget to determine if the system is right for you.

Stop wondering, “Do you need a furnace with a heat pump?” and get some answers! Our team is eager to help you with all your furnace and heat pump needs, so reach out to our experts today!